In Porreres Assessors you'll find a trained team in tax consultancy (for individuals, freelancers and companies), guidance in accountancy, HR advice (wages, pensions and relevant paperwork), judiciary (separation, divorce, inheritance, gifts, contracts for rental and sale of different forms of property) and IT consulting for businesses and individuals.
They also arrange and see through compulsory bureaucratic procedures with government, registrars (civil, commercial and real estate) and the notarial affairs.
Also having an in-house insurance brokerage, Porreres Assessors provides the best solution for you, from over 40 leading providers and the best prices in: insurance for vehicles (cars, trucks, fleet vehicles, motorcycles, mopeds, boats, all kinds for agricultural and industrial contexts) equipment, home, health, personal accident, liability, animals, life insurance, for investments, retirement, death and travel assistance.
Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am to 1:30pm and 3pm to 7.
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