"He who reads, keeps one more prequel for his existence, in the drawer of his memories" (Gabriel García Márquez)
Llibreria Papereria Rotes Noves offers an appealing assortment of books, with the latest developments andpaperback versions, plus the latest proposals inteen's and children's books,as well aseducational books, fairy stickers and paint. If youdon't find the bookyou're looking for, theywill order it for you.
They have local and foreignnewspapers, weekly and monthly magazines, stationery and school supplies, with fax and emailservice, internet, photocopying and printing (fromyourusb-stick, email...), digitization and scanning, bindings,laminating, book-covers and mobiletop-up.
Rotes Novesisalsoappreciated for itspersonalised serviceinprinting,alsomaking custom invitations for birthdays, anniversaries, inaugurations... withthephoto orimages, and text of your choice. Also printing labels to stick on yourjarsof home-made jams and sauces!
Hours: Monday through Thursday from 8:30am to 1pm and4:30 to8pm. Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 8:30am to1pm.
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