Living a healthy and happy life is in our own hands. How does one achieve this?
An old Latin adage originally from classical Greece reminds us, "mens sana in corpore sano", meaning “a healthy mind in a healthy body”. This is the balance we must strive for.
Among the number one rules for healthy eating is to fill our daily requirement of fresh vegetables, fruit and greens. Fresh foods are rich in nutrients and low in toxins, so we are provide with energy instead of depleting it. They constitute an essential dose of minerals, vitamins and fibre for our body, while having a low caloric intake and fat. Could you ask for more?
La Viletagreengrocers features a fresh selection of fruit and vegetables and you'll also find nuts, another valuable ally in our diet that we should eat daily in order to enjoy their innumerable benefits and nutritional properties.
Also offering us bakery products, olives, goodies for the kids... in addition to its selection of wines, one of the great pleasures of life and sources of health and well-being too.
Hours: Monday to Saturday from 8am to 2pm and 5pm to 8.30.
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